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Âncora 1

FJAL I - Insertions in a
peripheral reality


Bruno Braga, Bruno Perdigão, Igor Ribeiro, Epifanio Almeida, Marcelo Bacelar, Lara Lima, Davi Ramalho and João Victor Pitombeira;


Icone Events


Fortaleza - CE, 2011




The Latin American Young Architects Forum - FJAL - was an architecture event created by the office Rede Arquitetos, in partnership with the architects Davi Ramalho, Marcelo Bacelar, Lara Lima and the administrator João Victor Pitombeira, which had its first edition held in 2011. Since then, there have been three editions and the launch of a book.

The idea of the event arose from the need to bring the debate on architecture to a more everyday reality and inserted in the Latin American context, thus bringing the discussion closer to the public, through presentations by professionals who, despite already being recognized for their practices, were still at the beginning of their trajectory. From there emerged the excerpts of place and age proposed in the title of the event, as a way of discussing an architecture of common reality that stands out for facing adversity. The event also seeks to select architects and offices that are able to unite their practices with activities related to teaching and research, giving greater scope and depth to their activities.




Guest Speakers:

  • Al Borde (EQU)

  • Sebastian Irarrázaval (CHI)

  • Plan B (COL)


  • Associate Architects (BRA-MG)

  • Alvaro Puntoni (BRA-SP)

  • 7S34W (BRA-PB)

  • Yuri Vital (BRA-SP)

  • Rua Arquitetos (BRA-RJ)

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